Control of Aging by the use of Artificial Organs
Research Project Number:11480253
Principal Investigator
- 山家 智之
- YAMBE, Tomoyuki
- Researcher Number:70241578
- 東北大学・加齢医学研究所・助教授
- 西條 芳文
- SAIJO, Yoshifumi
- Researcher Number:00292277
- 東北大学・加齢医学研究所・助手
- 仁田 新一
- NITTA, Shin-ichi
- Researcher Number:90101138
- 東北大学・加齢医学研究所・教授
- 吉澤 誠
- Researcher Number:60166931
- 東北大学・情報シナジーセンター・教授
- 田林 晄一
- TABAYASHI, Kou-ichi
- Researcher Number:90142942
- 東北大学・大学院・医学研究科・教授
- 田中 明
- TANAKA, Akira
- Researcher Number:10323057
- 東北大学・大学院・工学研究科・助手
Documents for this Research Project
Basic Information of this Research Project(Latest Year)
Project Year
FY1999~FY2002Research Field
医用生体工学・生体材料学Screening Classification
一般Research Category
基盤研究(B)→基盤研究(B)Research Institution
東北大学Budget Amount
- Total:¥11200000
- FY1999:¥4900000 (Direct:¥4900000)
- FY2000:¥2000000 (Direct:¥2000000)
- FY2001:¥2500000 (Direct:¥2500000)
- FY2002:¥1800000 (Direct:¥1800000)
Abstract(Latest Report)
Since an aging society comes unescapable, we
cope with various diseases by the Aging, and have the necessity of
aiming at the society where healthy elderly people play an active part.
Although an Aging phenomenon can also be considered to be change of the
whole body, in the medical spot, it servers as generating of the illness
of an internal-organs unit. The illnesses of an internal-organs unit
are various medicines and adaptation of a surgical operation. To the
internal-organs malfunction which has advanced irreversibl, radical
correspondence of transplantation, an artificial organ, etc. becomes
indispensable to life maintenance. Therefore, a possibility that support
of high-tech medical treatments, such as an articial organ, will become
unescapable at the healthy aging society is high. It is becoming old
memory with collapse of the Communist bloc that the long-term struggle
for existence of the animal experiment of an artificial heart was
performed having applied national prestige all over the world. There is
an opinion about which it whispered between the artificial heart
researchers in the world from that time. It is "aging of the animal
after implanting an artificial heart is early ?" It is the hypothesis to
say. To pathophysiological change which can be regarded also as
promotion of such an Aging after implanting an artificial heart, the
syndrome of a "artificial heart syndrome" was proposed in the University
of Tokyo. Research on change of the heart blood vessel system in
connection with various artificial circulation and Agings has been done
even in Tohoku University. The Institute of Development, Aging and
Cancer in Tohoku University carried out the research subject "the
nonlinear analysis of the artificial heart animal as an Aging promotion
model" by the support of the test research from the Ministry of
Education science research cost. Cousequently, the artificial heart
chronic animal as an Aging promotion model was established. Based on
this result, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology science research cost base research "research on control of
the Aging phenomenon by chaos control of an artificial organ" was done
from 1999 to 2003. Our results suggested the feasibility of control of
Aging by the use of the artificial organs.
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