Gut microbiota
Original article
Exercise and associated dietary extremes impact on gut microbial diversity
Objective The commensal microbiota, host immunity and metabolism participate in a signalling network, with diet influencing each component of this triad. In addition to diet, many elements of a modern lifestyle influence the gut microbiota but the degree to which exercise affects this population is unclear. Therefore, we explored exercise and diet for their impact on the gut microbiota.
Design Since extremes of exercise often accompany extremes of diet, we addressed the issue by studying professional athletes from an international rugby union squad. Two groups were included to control for physical size, age and gender. Compositional analysis of the microbiota was explored by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Each participant completed a detailed food frequency questionnaire.
Results As expected, athletes and controls differed significantly with respect to plasma creatine kinase (a marker of extreme exercise), and inflammatory and metabolic markers. More importantly, athletes had a higher diversity of gut micro-organisms, representing 22 distinct phyla, which in turn positively correlated with protein consumption and creatine kinase.
Conclusions The results provide evidence for a beneficial impact of exercise on gut microbiota diversity but also indicate that the relationship is complex and is related to accompanying dietary extremes.
運動の両極端は、多くの場合、食事療法の両極端を伴うので、私たちは、国際ラグビーチームからプロスポーツ選手を研究することによってこの問題を取り上げた。 2つのグループが物理的な大きさ、年齢や性別のために制御することが含まれていた。微生物叢の組成分析は、16S rRNAのアンプリコン配列決定により調査した。各参加者は、詳細な食物摂取頻度調査を完了した。
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